Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Time Traveler Who Loved Me…

The Life and Times of Kristina X
(Being somewhat a very irregular Goddess of Time-Dimensional Travel…)
Introducing Story 0: The Alpha Story
The Time Traveler Who Loved Me…
Daniel A. Groover
For KGW, for she is and was and ever shall be my Soulmate….
For She endured worse things than a Future Corp restriction on celibacy…
And also for R.A.H. for his “Future History” is my mind’s present time.

The Time Traveler who loved me was born in 7078, one year after the Lord allowed man to travel time. It was a child government that the Lord made from the United States when he returned in 2012 to govern the world in a New Godly World over known as: The United Countries of the New Jerusalem. He reign was to be 1000 Lord years which equated roughly to 3.65 Million Man Years… But I digress for the Return of the King in 2012 is but another trilogy in itself…
Her name was Kristina X. For a time traveler closes their last name for the purpose of being on a first name basis and trying to avoid ripples and paradoxes in the space time continuum. Strangely enough she broke the laws of The Future Corps relating to celibacy, as they are time traveling Priests and Priestesses of the Order of Melchizidek. Somehow or another we were time displaced soulmates to each other. She found me in 2025 while I was working on a triple doctorate in: Theoretical Physics, N-space Dimensional Physics, and the Psychology of Time Travel Theoretical Time Lag Displacement. The paradox she created was a Major One as she fell in love with me and I her. She secretly bore a girl and concealed it from the Future Corp. She named the Child: Madison but strangely enough the child was not really a separate entity from herself…the child was her herself. She whisked her away to 7078 where she grew up to be Kristina X. Paradoxally I became her Soulmate husband and her dearest father. Kristina X became not only herself but she became her own mother in time.
I first met her in Yale University in 2025 as she was sent to meet me as I was set in the future to discover some important correlations regarding Unified String Theory, Backwards time travel with a Tachyon Flux coil, and Forward Time travel with a Anti-Tachyon Light flux coil drive. To make a long story short I invented the foundation of Time and N-space dimensional time travel but the technology was not to be sent to us by the Lord until 7077 to be able to build the things I envisioned. I was the Leonardo Di Vinci of 2025. And Krissi’s, for that was the name I knew her as, exploits regarding falling in love with me and becoming a time displaced Soulmate ended up secretly spilling the beans on the equations, time mechanical theory behind a time-dimensional machine, and the Unified Law of a 12 dimensional universe string Theory. So I began to wonder what came first the chicken or the egg.
I met her in Starbucks where my current love de amour was the shift manager. I sat there with a HP-Dell laptop with a deca-core processor soaking up the Free-Tria Hertz Super Wi-fi. The shift manager was a current girlfriend of mine named Mary. She gave me free Starbucks as I plugged away at three Doctoral Dissertations. I was 42 and like Douglas Adams said 42 was the meaning of life. I laughed when I first saw Krissi X step into the Starbucks and she immediately had infinite circles of Eternal Love at First sight for me. For the strangest thing was she was to break the Future corps celibacy code and secretly whisk me away to different times and dimensions behind the back of FC (Future Corps). I looked at her and smiled as a dimensional door opened into a created reality from the mind of Stephen King. Only she and I could see the door. And regarding seeing Mary was the only person to notice Krissi X and I suddenly getting up and walking into the dimensional door she created. After not seeing me again as Krissi X and I knew from the Still Deep waters of Eternity that we were one. She was me and I was her and paradoxically we had two children in all and I was Code named Logan. I as Logan was born by her on 1983. One year short of Orwell’s classic 1984. I became my own father just as she became her own mother. Time Travel is silly with all the paradoxes created.
The Lord took notice of this Tsunami of a Wave disrupting time and space…and He smiled with enjoyment as this little Soulmate Foray was definitely according to his plans and those of the Almighty Father. Little did we know but a Dimensional War was ensuing as Lucifer was thrown in a black hole in 2013 by The Great ArchAngel Michael, only to become His own evil God in a Big Bang he created when he was thrown into a empty null space dimension…
To make a long story short for this is only the first story in a line of Stories, I write in the autobiographical story of the Life and Times of Kristina X, being somewhat a very irregular Goddess of Time-Dimensional Travel…
Back to the Dimensional door and the end of this strangely paradoxical story that leaves much to be desired but will be fulfilled in many stories in the Krissi X line of N-space dimensional-time travel…
On the Other side of the door lay the Dark Tower in a field of not red Roses as Mr. King Wrote in his last volume of the series…But a Field of Black Roses as the Tower was the nexus point for all Dimensions. She smiled at me as she took my hand, oh so warm and comforting, and we instantly knew she was my mother and I her father in a Grand Paradox only the Almighty Father created in his Child-like God mind of creation.
She looked at me and smiled. Released her hand and took my face in her hands. Bent me ever so slightly over as I was 5’ 10” and she only 5’1”. She kissed me with a Kiss from the Eternity we created. I felt the energies of a million times resonate with my displaced mind and I knew she was mine.
We walked slowly hand in hand into the Dark Tower and we stopped at a door that was up 77 flights of stairs. Whew! A lot for a man of 42 but with her energies we made it there tho I was a bit winded.
Above the Dark Dark door was the words: INRI, The Door into the 13th Secret Dimension of the Almighty Father Yahweh…
She opened the Door, Kissed me again with passion from a thousand different Aeons of Eternity’s Flow of Dimensional time…
Then she laughed with glee and she pushed me in and jumped in the door herself.
I saw a grand mothership of Spaceships over a black and white background of stars. Inside the ship radiated darkness and light as 4 living creatures were inside. The ship looked as if wheels within wheels were spinning in a crazy paradox of movement.
I gasped as I saw the face of the Almighty God that only Moses up to that Eternal Time had gazed upon in the burning bush so near but so long ago…
Krissi X smiled and kissed me again. The Grand Face laughed and smiled sweetly at us and said:
“Adam and Eve welcome to the 7th Heaven. You fell once in another time but you are destined to be my Father and Mother in another time and space…For you are not only your own father and mother but you have a 3rd Child magical number 3. Myself, the Prodigal Son, who has now returned with you with a Almighty Mission to set the 7 Main Multi-versal nexus points in pure alignment with the God of Love…Born thru the first soulmate love created from the Eternal cross born from your love when your 4th Child-Yeshua is created from the bowels of your Eternal Love. Keep this a secret.” He smiled and laughed a lovely laugh as I have never seen before. “You my Adam and Eve, my father and mother will dance forever found in the Sea of Eternal Souls in which you drowned…Yes you have and had not…” He laughed and smiled again. “But that my friends is another story in itself….”
To be continued… J

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