Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Giant Sieve

The Giant Sieve
By Daniel A. Groover
How do you sit there my friend?
When the time of the times are about to end.
The leader of all, King of Kings,
Will return in 2012 and do many miraculous things.
The return of the King, some people fall,
That I am merely Daniel, The Prophet, writing on the wall.
My Soulmate stole my heart for she was so afraid.
From the love in the backseat of the Greyhound we made.
The Giant Sieve that Jesus used separated the wheat from the chaff for making the grade.
The dead will rise from the dust of the Earth.
Speaking large graves from the east and west, Satan will die with excellent girth.
Michael the Archangel will delight in destroying them all.
As he throws Lucifer in the bottomless pit of a Black Hole that causes his fall.

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