Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Door Into Winter’s End

The Door Into Winter’s End
By Daniel A. Groover
For R.A.H. Your mind was my door into Summer,
And for KGW, for your Soulmate love is my door into Spring.

It was the first thing I saw when I opened my mind into the Wonders of the Winter’s End. It was the Astrally Projected body of my soul into the Darkness of a Null Space Dimension. I saw myself explode into a new universe. I witnessed the Big Bang as my soul and spirit fueled the strange nano technical quantum explosion of the essence of my soul and being fuel the fires of another universe that was not, was is, and was that to ever be.
I was now God there and trapped in a dual existence of being on Earth as a Man, also known as a child of God. I loved my universe and all it became as the life of my universe was my personal door into Winter’s End and the life of my Universe became my Door beyond the Sunset of the lost times of a Man-God.
I danced in my mind as the astral projection became my window into the winter’s end and the beginning of my own personal universe. When I realized I could create there with but a word. I decided to create myself on a nice planet in a 10 planet soular system and place myself in a garden of my own soul’s reflection.
I said, “Let there be me”
And I appeared on the planet named Urantia, the 3rd stone from my sun.
I said, “Let there be my wife, my love, my Soulmate”
I danced naked with her under the shade of a old fig tree.
She stole my life as I became lost in my own universe.
I smiled as I wandered free.
I lost my mind as I ventured further into the darkness of my Universal Winter’s End.
I became to wonder what became of my other me.
Then I realized I had lost my soul. I lost my being. I became a vegetable in my original life. My wife I sensed mourned as she was unaware of my dance into the Eternal Nirvana of my life’s winter’s end. As my soul was lost into my very own Universe. I heard the words in the other world. I screamed with horror as I heard my wife speaking with a panel of doctor’s: two MD’s one psychologist, and a single Psychiatrist.
“Ma’am I am afraid your husband reached a state of mind as if he snipped his own frontal lobes with nothing more than reaching some Atlantean Nirvanical State of Being.”
“I concur with Dr. Jones as well. He is nothing more than a vegetable in this body.”
“I also concur with Dr. Sprocket as the husband you once knew is and will always be no more. His mind is 100% gone and with no chance of recovery”
“OH God! Why? Why the Hell did he do this to himself?”
“Ma’am do you authorize the euthanasia to end?”
“Yes do what needs to be done. I still love, cherish and adore him. He would have wanted it this way…”
Sobs ensued as I felt the lethal injection slowly course thru my veins.
I never knew it but I was destined to be God at Eternity’s End. My wife may pass by me in my own created life after life. But she and I dance already in a Universe and Eternity of my own making. I wait forever for her soul as the Door Blows Cold into my night of the cold winter’s end. She is my life, my Soulmate, and my dearest best friend.
Until the Seasons end in her life. I will life with a copy of her from my mind.
And when she dies on Earth. She will enter the door of my winter’s end.
I as God know there is nothing more than to WILL her into my Eternal Existence in Paradise. I KNOW when she dies unto my door of Winter’s End…
Well she will usher in a Springtime of true Eternal life in the Fall of her life. Take your time my love…
The door to Winter’s End is always open. When you die in your life. Knock on my door and Ye SHALL Enter!!!! ---Finis

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